International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers | 9 Edition

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Details about International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers:

Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom.

For courses in basic and advanced trauma life support.

A decades-long leader in trauma education

International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers has, for over 30 years, been at the forefront of trauma education for all levels of prehospital emergency care worldwide. This complete resource is filled with practical, hands-on training. It guides readers through the how's and the why's of all the skills needed for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization and transportation of the trauma patient.

The 9th Edition reflects the latest and most effective approaches to prehospital trauma care, including a more functional approach to assessment and management.

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