Discovering Global Cuisines: Traditional Flavors and Techniques | 1 Edition

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Author: Krcek-Allen, Nancy
ISBN-13: 9780135113486
List Price: $159.59 (up to 3% savings)
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Details about Discovering Global Cuisines: Traditional Flavors and Techniques:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. With an emphasis on technique, Discovering Global Cuisines is designed to give students a more authentic look at international cuisines. Capturing the culture of each region, this experienced chef-educator explores the history, geography, and foods of the world. Author-tested recipes fill each chapter as the reader is invited to discover the tastes, flavor foundations, signature techniques and signature recipes for a given country. Offering accuracy, authenticity, and adaptability, this full color book provides a rich look at international cuisine and it’s most popular and intriguing styles.

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