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Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today 1 Edition ISBN 9780135064429 by Wolgin MSN  RN, Francie,Smith RN, Kate,French DNP  RN  CNE, Julie
Authors: Wolgin MSN RN, Francie,Smith RN, Kate,French DNP RN CNE, Julie
ISBN-13: 9780135064429
List Price: $80.83 (up to 95% savings)
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Details about Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. PEARSON'S NURSING ASSISTANT TODAY brings together all the skills, knowledge, and practical insights today’s nursing assistants need to succeed in any care environment. Written for students with widely diverse learning needs and reading proficiencies, it is designed for easy understanding and quick reference. It presents 152 step-by-step procedures, ranging from the absolute basics to advanced procedures for use at the instructor’s discretion. All procedures reflect 2010 AHA guidelines for CPR and ECC, modern care technologies, and Medicare OBRA requirements. Each procedure is explained with rationales, preparation, steps, follow-up, a charting example, and in many cases, full-color illustrations. This text’s pedagogical features include chapter learning objectives, “On the Job” scenarios, “Nursing Assistant in Action” critical thinking features, exercises, sample exams, and more.

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