Including Adolescents with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms | 1 Edition

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Authors: Smith, Tom,Gartin, Barbara,Murdick, Nikki
ISBN-13: 9780135014967
List Price: $173.32 (up to 62% savings)
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Details about Including Adolescents with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Written by a best-selling author team, this book focuses on secondary inclusive classrooms and the instructional strategies that ensure the learning success of all middle and secondary students.   Focused on research-based strategies, Teaching Adolescents in Middle and Secondary Inclusive Classrooms, 1e, shows how to accommodate and modify instruction for secondary students with special needs. Organized in two parts, it explains the developmental differences, disabilities, and social skills deficits that can impact adolescents and then offers specific ways to improve instruction.   Learn more about strategies such as co-teaching, differentiated instruction, strategies instruction, and peer-assisted learning. Understand how to implement strategies specific to literacy, math, science, self-determination and social skills. Reflect on study questions, closing cases and activities that provide real-life, diversity-rich examples of strategies in action.

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