50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners | 6 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780134986616
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Details about 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners:
Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom.
For courses in ESL methods.
A practical, go-to resource for classroom strategies aligned to TESOL standards50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners offers an assortment of practical strategies aligned to TESOL standards, which have been field-tested in diverse classrooms. For each strategy, the text provides a brief explanation, step-by-step instructions on how to plan and use the strategy and classroom scenarios demonstrating how the strategy can be adapted for different grade levels and content areas.
The 6th Edition includes a new chapter on the choice and use of technology strategies based on students' unique needs and expanded teacher self-evaluation rubrics.