Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology | 6 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780134711751
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Details about Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology:
Develop and practice science literacy skills.
Teach students to view their world using scientific reasoning with Campbell Essential Biology. The authors’ approach equips your students to become better informed citizens, relate concepts from class to their everyday lives, and understand and apply real data, making biology relevant and meaningful to their world and futures.
The new edition incorporates instructor feedback on what key skills to highlight in new Process of Science essays and uses striking infographic figures in conveying real data to help students see and better understand how science actually works. New author-narrated Figure Walkthrough Videos appear in each chapter and guide students through key biology concepts and processes.
New topics in Why It Matters inspire curiosity and provide real-world examples to convey why abstract concepts like cell respiration or photosynthesis matter to students. This edition’s unmatched offering of author-created media supports students in the toughest topics with 24/7 access through the Pearson eText .
For non-majors biology courses.
Pearson eText allows educators to easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their reading and what they learn in class – motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. Portable access lets students study on the go, even offline. And, student usage analytics offer insight into how students use the eText, helping educators tailor their instruction.
NOTE: This ISBN is for the Pearson eText access card. For students purchasing this product from an online retailer, Pearson eText is a fully digital delivery of Pearson content and should only be purchased when required by your instructor. In addition to your purchase, you will need a course invite link, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson eText.