Beverage Manager's Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits, The What's New in Culinary & Hospitality | 4 Edition

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Authors: Laloganes, John,Schmid, Albert
ISBN-13: 9780134655307
List Price: $161.99 (up to 57% savings)
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Details about Beverage Manager's Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits, The What's New in Culinary & Hospitality:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The fundamental aspects of managing beverages in the exciting hospitality industry. The Beverage Manager’s Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits, 4/e, takes readers on an intriguing journey through the vast world of alcoholic beverages. It is an authoritative guide that will inspire those individuals pursuing or enhancing a career in the food and beverage industry. Written in a lively, engaging, intellectually appealing style complimented by stimulating photography, this comprehensive yet concise book explores the essential management and service aspects of wines, beers, and spirits and provides the knowledge necessary for building and sustaining a profitable beverage program.   The Fourth Edition includes a new opening chapter on beverage trends, expanded coverage of grape varietals, 22 new classic cocktail recipes, a new chapter on sake and cider, a new chapter on coffee and tea, greater emphasis on beverage and food pairing, and full-color text that depicts the beverages as artistic, unique, and essential to the food service organization. 

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