Professional Server, The: A Training Manual What's New in Culinary & Hospitality | 3 Edition

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Authors: Sanders, Edward,Giannasio, Marcella
ISBN-13: 9780134552750
List Price: $122.38 (up to 18% savings)
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Details about Professional Server, The: A Training Manual What's New in Culinary & Hospitality:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Complete coverage of all aspects of dining room service, with real-life examples and updated information on technology in the industry. In The Professional Server, students get an introduction to the many aspects of being a professional server, and experienced servers get an excellent reference to consult for various techniques and service situations they face in their day-to-day work. This popular resource features easy-to-read, self-contained chapters, which flow in a logical sequence and allow flexibility in teaching and learning. Coverage includes areas such as professional appearance, guest communication, table settings, food, wine, and beverage service, and current technologies. Restaurant Reality stories and step-by-step photographs give students an insider’s look into what makes an effective server.

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