Fundamentals of Web Development | 2 Edition
ISBN-13: 9780134481265
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Details about Fundamentals of Web Development:
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Web Programming and Design: Numerous Mark-up / Scripting Languages, as part of the CS1 course sequence. Master the fundamentals of web development Fundamentals of Web Development, 2nd Edition guides readers through the creation of enterprise-quality websites using current development frameworks. Written by a leading teacher in the field and designed for serious programmers, this book is as valuable to developers as a dev bootcamp. Its practical approach and comprehensive insight into the practice of web development covers HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and the LAMP stack (that is, Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), jQuery, XML, WordPress, Bootstrap, and a variety of third-party APIs that include Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Bing Maps. Coverage also includes the required ACM web development topics, aligned with real-world web development best practices. The 2nd Edition faithfully covers the most vital trends and innovations in the field since 2013, while continuing to provide a thorough and comprehensive overview.
Major: Experienced Tutor in SAT Math, Computer Science, Regents