Flynt/Cooter Comprehensive Reading Inventory, The: Assessment of K-12 Reading Skills in English & Spanish | 2 Edition
ISBN-13: 9780133362527
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Details about Flynt/Cooter Comprehensive Reading Inventory, The: Assessment of K-12 Reading Skills in English & Spanish:
This title is available via Pearson+ and includes an eTextbook with audio on most titles. Pearson+ also offers expert videos, notes, and flashcards so you can learn anyway you like. Designed to help educators assess the “Big Five” components of reading instruction as identified by the National Reading Panel—phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension—the CRI is recognized as a leader in the field for its ability to ensure quick and reliable assessment of the reading skills and needs of students in grades Pre-K through 12. The groundbreaking features that made this book’s original edition a top choice of teachers and literacy coaches for many decades are continued here, along with a number of changes that make the analysis of data more efficient and increase student learning, among them a Spanish version to help educators better serve the needs of English speakers and/or English learners.