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Early Childhood Language Arts | 6 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Early Childhood Language Arts 6 Edition ISBN 9780133358445 by Jalongo, Mary
Author: Jalongo, Mary
ISBN-13: 9780133358445
List Price: $138.96 (up to 95% savings)
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Details about Early Childhood Language Arts:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. “What do early childhood educators really need to know, do, and understand in order to work effectively and compassionately with the very young?”  This is the focus of Mary Renck Jalongo’s approach to this new edition of her widely popular Early Childhood Language Arts. In it she helps teachers become well informed about young children’s language development, strategies to use to support language growth, and the essential elements for a novice teacher to mature into a master teacher. Distinctive from many other early literacy books in that it includes oral language rather than concentrating on literacy in print, the approach is to integrate language arts and other subject areas, including the fine arts.

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