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Medical Coding Evaluation and Management | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Medical Coding Evaluation and Management 1 Edition ISBN 9780132881562 by Gabriel-Jones, Kate,Bohn, Larry
Authors: Gabriel-Jones, Kate,Bohn, Larry
ISBN-13: 9780132881562
List Price: $93.32 (up to 90% savings)
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Details about Medical Coding Evaluation and Management:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Thorough and correct documentation of evaluation and management services provide the foundation for correct billing. Medical Coding Evaluation and Management, 1e provides an easy-to-read reference tool for thorough and effective documentation of any evaluation and management service visit. By focusing on the foundations of evaluation and management documentation guidelines, physicians, non-physician providers and other clinicians have the opportunity to understand the complexities of documenting any evaluation and management service correctly. Highlighting a variety of settings, readers learn about how to document medical history, physical examinations, medical decision-making, counseling and/or coordination of care, as well as intraservice time. Clinical examples, a clinical scenario and chapter exercises round out coding skills, as readers learn to dissect the evaluation and management visit and all its elements.

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