Whole Child, The: Developmental Education for the Early Years | 10 Edition

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Authors: Weissman, Patricia,Hendrick, Joanne
ISBN-13: 9780132853422
List Price: $89.01 (up to 53% savings)
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Details about Whole Child, The: Developmental Education for the Early Years:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The Whole Child, 10/e, written in a warm and engaging style by Patricia Weissman and Joanne Hendrick,is a complete, practical, and hands-on book that uses a developmental domain approach to educate readers about young children from infancy through age 8. The authors believe that physical and emotional health are fundamental to the well-being of children and provide practical methods and materials that address the entire individual, not just curriculum topics.  This text focuses on the "whole child" and what he/she needs from the learning environment in order to thrive. It pictures the child as being made up of "selves" - emotional, social, physical, creative, and cognitive...examines each of those selves in turn in separate chapters...and recommends methods and materials for enhancing growth in each area. This popular text is unique in that it combines a practical, realistic approach with a firm foundation in pertinent research topics. With an emphasis on emergent curriculum, intentional teaching, and the Reggio approach, students learn about quality teaching in a way that is accessible and encouraging to the novice teacher and presented to the reader in such a way that encourages linkage between theory and practice.

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