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Technical Communication: A Practical Approach | 8 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Technical Communication: A Practical Approach 8 Edition ISBN 9780132785785 by Pfeiffer, William,Adkins, Kaye
Authors: Pfeiffer, William,Adkins, Kaye
ISBN-13: 9780132785785
List Price: $148.87 (up to 90% savings)
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Details about Technical Communication: A Practical Approach:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Emphasizing the connection between writing and context, Technical Communication: A Practical Approach 8e uses a fictional company (M-Global) and students' own school and workplace settings to introduce the common genres of technical communication. Featuring numbered guidelines and an ABC format, the book shows how to write a variety of technical documents including business proposals, white papers, scripts, research reports, digital documents and more! This edition features earlier coverage of collaboration, more on software tools, expanded ABC formats, and the innovative MyTechCommLab website.

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