Teaching Grammar Through Writing: Activities to Develop Writer's Craft in ALL Students in Grades 4-12 | 2 Edition

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Author: Polette, Keith
ISBN-13: 9780132565998
List Price: $31.73 (up to 88% savings)
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Details about Teaching Grammar Through Writing: Activities to Develop Writer's Craft in ALL Students in Grades 4-12:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Teaching Grammar through Writing is the ideal springboard to teaching grammar to students in grades four through twelve. In a flexible, adaptable approach filled with ready to use activities, author Keith Polette shows teachers how to teach students to learn to recognize, and then consciously use in their writing, 16 essential grammatical elements.   Rather than overwhelming students with too many structures, constructions, and rules, the book’s goal is simplification, showing teachers what the essential elements of grammar are that students need to learn to use to become better writers.

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