Sustainable Facility Management: Operational Strategies for Today | 1 Edition

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Author: Fennimore, John
ISBN-13: 9780132556514
List Price: $143.51 (up to 35% savings)
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Details about Sustainable Facility Management: Operational Strategies for Today:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For diverse courses in facilities management and sustainability, including capstone courses in facility management degree programs; and for certificate programs in sustainable management.   This all-encompassing text thoroughly illuminates the methods, “how-to” skills, equipment, and best practices of modern facility management. Emphasizing practical operational aspects of sustainable facility management, Sustainable Facility Management covers many topics that are absolutely essential to sustainability -- some of them covered in no other text. Embracing multiple subject areas, it can easily be used as the main text for a capstone course of a facility management degree program. Topics covered include: organizational structure; cultural issues associated with property/facility management; career opportunities; financial, construction, and emergency management; environmental issues; HVAC, energy, and water management; green building; strategic management, and more. Throughout, chapter questions, assignments, photos, and diagrams help students deepen their understanding. These are complemented by many first-hand insights about effective facility management.

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