Exploring Your Role in Early Childhood Education Myeducationlab | 4 Edition

ISBN-13: 8588950000001
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Details about Exploring Your Role in Early Childhood Education Myeducationlab:
This title is available via Pearson+ and includes an eTextbook with audio on most titles. Pearson+ also offers expert videos, notes, and flashcards so you can learn anyway you like. Traditionally, introductory textbooks in early childhood education have been organized by curriculum.¿ The typical introductory text begins with a history of the field and a chapter on developmental theory followed by one chapter on each major subject area–language, mathematics, science, the arts, and so forth. Exploring Your Role in Early Childhood Education takes an integrated approach and¿is organized around the essential roles and responsibilities that effective early childhood educators must fulfill. ¿ In addition to its organization, the interactive nature¿of the text sets it apart. Readers are encouraged to respond to what they are reading while they are reading it. Case material and verbatim comments from students make the content come alive and "Pause and Reflect About" sections in the margin notes¿help students relate the content to their own experiences. ¿ Exploring Your Role in Early Childhood Education is written for college students who are relatively new to formal study of the field of early childhood education and is appropriate for courses at both 2- and 4-year programs.