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Professional Kitchen Manager, The | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Professional Kitchen Manager, The 1 Edition ISBN 9780131391741 by Hayes, David,Miller, Allisha,Ninemeier, Jack
Authors: Hayes, David,Miller, Allisha,Ninemeier, Jack
ISBN-13: 9780131391741
List Price: $151.33 (up to 79% savings)
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Details about Professional Kitchen Manager, The:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Focusing on back-of-house management, Professional Kitchen Management addresses topics such as supervision, menu planning, development and use of standard recipes,  purchasing, and cost control. Students will learn how to evaluate menus, manage inventory, train personnel and deliver food services on a budget.   An innovative format pairs concepts presented in each chapter with cleverly animated and highly interactive Kitchen Management Simulations (KMS) lessons to provide hands-on training that is fun for students and time freeing for instructors.   Reader-friendly features explain why concepts are important to daily operations and identify the skills needed to manage a high-quantity food production kitchen.

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