American Regional Cuisines: Food Culture and Cooking | 1 Edition

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Authors: Sackett, Lou,Haynes, David
ISBN-13: 9780131109360
List Price: $174.10 (up to 45% savings)
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Details about American Regional Cuisines: Food Culture and Cooking:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Filled with colorful recipes and comprehensive information on American food culture and history, this book provides an overview of American Regional Cuisines: Food Culture and Cooking. Featuring over 300 master recipes, it examines the culture, products and cuisine of fifteen culinary regions–from New England to Hawaii–and the micro-cuisines that exist within each region. Designed for the working chef, its recipes offer an ideal format based on how professionals actually cook in restaurants. The authors’ foodservice and education backgrounds give the book the scholarly knowledge and the professional experience needed to make it an authentic reference that meets the demands of today’s culinary students.

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