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UNIX for Programmers and Users | 3 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for UNIX for Programmers and Users 3 Edition ISBN 9780130465535 by Glass, Graham,Ables, King
Authors: Glass, Graham,Ables, King
ISBN-13: 9780130465535
List Price: $2.36 (up to 8% savings)
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Details about UNIX for Programmers and Users:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For an introductory course on UNIX. UNIX for Programmers and Users, Third Edition follows in the tradition of previous editions to provide students with complete, up-to-date coverage of UNIX. In this new edition they will find information on basic concepts, popular utilities, shells, networking, systems programming, internals, system administration, and much more.

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