An Introduction to MATLAB® Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers | 1 Edition

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Authors: Siauw, Timmy,Bayen, Alexandre
ISBN-13: 9780124202283
List Price: $52.22 (up to 23% savings)
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Details about An Introduction to MATLAB® Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers:

Assuming no prior background in linear algebra or real analysis, An Introduction to MATLAB® Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers enables you to develop good computational problem solving techniques through the use of numerical methods and the MATLAB® programming environment. Part One introduces fundamental programming concepts, using simple examples to put new concepts quickly into practice. Part Two covers the fundamentals of algorithms and numerical analysis at a level allowing you to quickly apply results in practical settings.

  • Tips, warnings, and "try this" features within each chapter help the reader develop good programming practices
  • Chapter summaries, key terms, and functions and operators lists at the end of each chapter allow for quick access to important information
  • At least three different types of end of chapter exercises — thinking, writing, and coding — let you assess your understanding and practice what you've learned

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I am meticulous about understanding the material itself as well as understanding why the material applies to you in your own personal life. I help students achieve goals in subjects including Biostatistics and Mathematics.... Read more

I am meticulous about understanding the material itself as well as understanding why the material applies to you in your own personal life. I help students achieve goals in subjects including Biostatistics and Mathematics.... Read more

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