Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780123982568
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Details about Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment:
The third edition of Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment explains the fundamental principles of mass transport, chemical partitioning, and chemical/biological transformations in surface waters, in soil and groundwater, and in air. Each of these three major environmental media is introduced by descriptive overviews, followed by a presentation of the controlling physical, chemical, and biological processes. The text emphasizes intuitively based mathematical models for chemical transport and transformations in the environment, and serves both as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses in environmental science and engineering, and as a standard reference for environmental practitioners.
- Includes many worked examples as well as extensive exercises at the end of each chapter
- Illustrates the interconnections and similarities among environmental media through its coverage of surface waters, the subsurface, and the atmosphere
- Written and organized concisely to map to a single-semester course
- Discusses and builds upon fundamental concepts, ensuring that the material is accessible to readers who do not have an extensive background in environmental science