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Pre-calculus Demystified, Second Edition | 2 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Pre-calculus Demystified, Second Edition 2 Edition ISBN 9780071778503 by Huettenmueller, Rhonda
Author: Huettenmueller, Rhonda
ISBN-13: 9780071778503
List Price: $11.58 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about Pre-calculus Demystified, Second Edition:

Your step-by-step solution to mastering precalculus Understanding precalculus often opens the door to learning more advanced and practical math subjects, and can also help satisfy college requisites. Precalculus Demystified, Second Edition, is your key to mastering this sometimes tricky subject. This self-teaching guide presents general precalculus concepts first, so you'll ease into the basics. You'll gradually master functions, graphs of functions, logarithms, exponents, and more. As you progress, you'll also conquer topics such as absolute value, nonlinear inequalities, inverses, trigonometric functions, and conic sections. Clear, detailed examples make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key ideas. It's a no-brainer! You'll learn about: Linear questions Functions Polynomial division The rational zero theorem Logarithms Matrix arithmetic Basic trigonometry Simple enough for a beginner but challenging enough for an advanced student, Precalculus Demystified, Second Edition, Second Edition, helps you master this essential subject.

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