Writing Voice: The Complete Guide to Creating a Presence on the Page and Engaging Readers Creative Writing Essentials | Illustrated Edition

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Authors: Writer's Digest Books,Coleman, Reed Farrel
ISBN-13: 9781440349126
List Price: $18.49 (up to 73% savings)
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Details about Writing Voice: The Complete Guide to Creating a Presence on the Page and Engaging Readers Creative Writing Essentials:

Develop a voice that captures readers' attention! All writers bring a unique set of skills to their work: One author might write outstanding characters, while another might dazzle with dialogue. You don't have to master every aspect of the craft in order to succeed, but the one quality required of every writer is a compelling, original voice. Your voice, which is often difficult to define and even more difficult to master, can transform your writing from pedestrian to powerful. In Writing Voice, you'll discover effective instruction and advice from best-selling authors and instructors like Donal Maass, Adair Lara, Paula Munier, Dinty W. Moore, James Scott Bell, and many others, plus exercises, techniques, and examples for making your prose stand out, be it fiction or memoir. You'll learn how to:    • Explore the unique way you write    • Study the distinctive styles of other writers to create your own voice    • Understand the nuances of voice, including the importance of word choice    • Develop the right voice for your genre    • Craft excellent narration that will keep readers coming back    • Choose the proper voice for your nonfiction Constructing the voice that fits your style and your audience is paramount to crafting memorable, original work. Writing Voice gives you the tools to not only create that voice but perfect it.

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