Intelligent Network Video: Understanding Modern Video Surveillance Systems | 3 Edition

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Authors: Nilsson, Fredrik,Axis, Communications
ISBN-13: 9781032534718
List Price: $74.95 (up to 25% savings)
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Details about Intelligent Network Video: Understanding Modern Video Surveillance Systems:

The third edition traces the trajectory of video surveillance technology from its roots to its current state and into its potential future role in security and beyond. For the reader, it is an opportunity to explore what the latest technology has to offer, as well as to gain some insight into the direction that surveillance will take us in the years ahead. The revised edition of Intelligent Network Video is more comprehensive in every area than the first and second editions, printed in over 25,000 copies. There is also a new chapter on cybersecurity, as well as thoroughly revised chapters on cloud and analytics. The book takes the reader on a tour through the building blocks of intelligent network video – from imaging to network cameras and video encoders, through the IT technologies of network and storage and into video management, analytics, and system design.

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