Up from Slavery Dover Thrift Editions: Black History | First Edition Edition

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Author: Booker T. Washington
ISBN-13: 0800759287383
List Price: $6.00 (up to 78% savings)
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Details about Up from Slavery Dover Thrift Editions: Black History:

First released as a serialized work through a Christian newspaper in 1900, Up from Slavery is the autobiography of the respected late 19th century African-American leader Booker T. Washington. The book describes his experiences as a child born into slavery on a Virginia farm, his struggle to obtain an education at the Hampton Institute, to his rise to prominence in American politics and the African-American community as a political leader and founder of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. In non-confrontational terms, Washington calls for black self-reliance as a means to advance in American society. His educational philosophy as outlined in the book stresses combining academic subjects with learning a trade.

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