Theory and Practice of Group Counseling MindTap Course List | 10 Edition

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Author: Corey, Gerald
ISBN-13: 9780357622957
List Price: $101.88 (up to 12% savings)
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Details about Theory and Practice of Group Counseling MindTap Course List:

Provide students with an in-depth overview of the ten group counseling theories with Corey's best-selling THEORY AND PRACTICE OF GROUP COUNSELING, 10E. Using a clear, straightforward writing style, this edition illustrates how to put these theories into practice and even guides students in developing their own frameworks for effective group counseling with a syntheses of various aspects of the theories. New learning objectives and a consistent chapter structure help students easily grasp each theoretical concept and its relationship to group practice. This edition also highlights the latest developments and most recent literature from the field with new and expanded information on accreditations, ethics and cultural sensitivity.
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